Episode Summary with Kristine Herman & Ash Baumgartner
Welcome back to Dare to Develop. Today Kristine and Ashley are discussing the ins and outs of film photography. We’ll cover why to shoot film – and why we personally choose to shoot film both personally and professionally. We’ll talk about what we love about film, and ultimately how you too can get started shooting film – for fun or for work. Tune in on your favorite podcast app or the link below.
Kristine Herman & Ash Baumgartner Dare You
We dare you to try! If you’ve been thinking about shooting film for awhile now, please pick up a simple camera – a 35mm like our parents would photograph us with, or even a disposable camera. Test it out. Experiment. And Practice. And invest in some education!
Resource Links
Kristine Herman’s Beginner’s Guide to Film Blog
Kristine Herman’s Beginner’s Guide to Film Course
Kristine Herman’s Film Education
Dare to Develop Podcast Sponsor – Photovision
Don’t forget to head on over to photovisionprints.com to claim your free roll of their Signature Process + Scan service using the code DARETODEVELOP . Looking to continue your photography education further? Be sure to check out their full library of photography tips!”
Other Episodes You Might Like
We interviewed Stephen Wood of Photovision on the podcast here about developing a relationship with your film lab. Check out our episode with Dustin Stockel of The Archetype Process where we discuss film matching. And don’t forget our joint episode with Dustin Stockel and Patrick Le where we discuss Fuji versus Portra film stocks.