Today on Dare to Develop we’re joined by Fawn Renee of Fawn Renee Designs and Heather of Heather Payne Photography who have joined together to create Those Plant Ladies. We’ll hear from them on how they created this joint business as family members while maintaining their own businesses.
We are so excited for you to listen to this episode because there is so much to learn from these ladies!
I definitely want to give that other person permission to do the thing that is on their heart, and that gives them life and to step outside of the box to reflect on what matters to them and what is meaningful for their life, and what their purpose is, and then to give themselves permission.
Many times as I reflect back on my beginning years through childhood and through the beginning of my career, that’s all I ever wanted was somebody to be like “You can be different”. Once I started doing the self-development and I was like “why am I waiting on somebody to give me permission?”
I just have to give myself permission to do it because nobody else is gonna do it for me. So for the listeners, I would urge you to do is to give yourself permission to do the thing that’s on your heart.
I dare you to be you to dig deep and figure out what is inside you. That’s unique to you and not been done by anybody else or you know, if not you then who? If it’s something that is on your heart and God has placed in your life, he called you to do it. And if you’re not going to do it, then who would? So step up.
What’s your favorite tool in business?
Canva and Monday.com
What’s your favorite post-wedding or event snack?
Bananas, protein bars, blueberries, water and Advocare
What’s your favorite wedding/creative pump up jam?
We love Pandora, our station plays things like Fergie and Pussycat dolls.
What is your favorite thing to do outside of your business?
Fawn: I love when one of us is like “Hey, can we just take a trip and go to like TJ Maxx?”. We don’t really buy anything, we just need to look, like gaze at everything, and get inspired that way.
Heather: I like to be outside and do exercise. So running, I haven’t done it this winter. I’m really excited for the spring so that we can get back outside and it’s not freezing cold.
What is one daring leap you’ve taken in your business?
Fawn: I think going full time with my business. I went from being in a management position, having a salary and benefits to pursue my passions and my dream full-time with an infant.
Heather: I’m going to say a big leap for me there’s been a lot. But let’s focus on the last year and I really put my head down and put everything that I had into Those Plant Ladies. I get text messages all the time and people ask if I was still in the industry or quitting. I just think it’s a space I need to give my permission to chase this and that it’s okay. That I’m going to focus on something else that also inspires me. And I can do both. I just need to focus on this for once.
What is one thing you feel like you’re really great at in your business?
Fawn: She’s good at all things, the imagery, the being able to see different overlays. And I don’t know if you ever go onto Instagram or the blog or the website and you see these beautiful things. It’s all Heather.
Heather: Fawn is really good at communication and leadership. She’s so good at helping me understand other people’s perspectives of why they’re struggling or why. Like they may need a few extra tools or resources to get their job done. So communication and leadership is definitely Fawn’s strength.
Where can our listeners find you?
Those Plant Ladies website: https://thoseplantladies.com
Those Plant Ladies Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thoseplantladies
Fawn’s Website: https://fawnrenaedesigns.com
Fawn’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iamfawnrenae
Heather’s Website: https://heatherpaynephotography.com
Heather’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/heatherpaynephoto
Do you have any announcements for our guests?:
We dare you to check out the other Dare to Develop Podcast episodes including 000: Welcome to Dare to Develop where you get to meet your hosts Kristine Herman and Ashley Baumgartner.